Welcome to Paranormal Legacy

I’m a Paranormal Investigator who has investigated some of the most haunted locations
in the country over the past six years. Join me as I work to keep the spirits’ memory alive.

The history of the Ohio State Reformatory began in 1861: the field where the reformatory would be built was used as a training camp for Civil War soldiers. The camp’s name had significant meaning to Ohio as it was named Camp Mordecai Bartley in honor of the Mansfield man who served as Ohio governor in the 1840’s.
Lost Limbs Foundation is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The mission of Lost Limbs Foundation is to provide financial assistance to the families of amputee children who are in need of medical and prosthetic assistance.

© 2012 - 2035 Scott Litaea, Haunted Stories with Scott Litaea, Paranormal Legacy, My Paranormal Corner, All Rights Reserved.